... Where are you?
It doesn't matter if this is a dream or not, then. I want to find my sister.
Wait ... Is that mannequin holding my jacket?
LIBERA: Ay guey! What the hell?!
LIBERA: You've got some damn nerve sneaking up on me like this, who the hell do you think you are?
LIBERA: Oh God?!
A mannequin.
Many mannequins.
Mindless, faceless, emotionless mannequins.
This is definitely make believe. My vision is fuzzy. Things are spinning. I need to react now.
Why is every mannequin in Billiards after me? I can barely see past them. Wait, no, I can still see the other exit out of Billiards, the one that leads to the rest of the mall. Alejandra might still be deeper inside the mall.